Exciting journey into the Earth's history

Apart from a remarkable cultural wealth left to us by the Paulines, Lepoglava hides a valuable mineral treasure, a semi-precious stone agate, which can be found only around Gaveznica, our only inactive volcano, that will tell you an exciting story of our planet's history.

This protected geological nature monument, formed over 22 million years ago, discovers many secrets about the geological past of the Zagorje region.

This valuable semi-precious stone was discovered by the Paulines who, thanks to the Gaveznica site, left us the first mineral terminology in Croatian, written down in the famous „Gazophylacium“ by Ivan Belostenec. However, the findings around Lepoglava prove that the agate was used by the early men, who used it to make primitive tools. 

Today, this locality is equally interesting to scientists as well as tourists, school children above all. They come here to learn about the geological origin of the Earth and enjoy the beautiful nature with an interesting educational path.

Not far from Gaveznica, in Lepoglava's tourist- information centre, you can see a valuable collection of minerals and semi-precious stones collected all over the world.

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