Access to Information

Right of Access to Information

The right of access to Information and the re-use of information are exercised pursuant to the Act on the Rights of Access to Information (Official Gazette, Nr. 25/13) and the Act on the Amendments to the Act on the Rights of Access to Information (Official Gazette, Nr. 85/2015).
The right of access to information is based on the principles of public and free access (Article 6), the principle of timely, complete and accurate information (Article 7), the principle of equality (Article 8), the principle of the availability of information (Article 9) and the principle of mutual respect and co-operation (Article 9a) and, pursuant to Article 5, paragraph 1, point 5 of the Act, it „entails the right of the user to request and recieve information as well as the obligation of thepublic authorities to enable access to the requested information, that is, to publish the information regardless of the requests made, when the publication of the information stems from the obligation set upon them by lawor some other regulation.“The right of access to information is founded on the principles of public and free access, timely, complete and accurate information, the principle of equality, the principle of the availability of information and, pursuant to Article 5, paragraph 1, point 5 of the Act, this right "entails the right of a user to request and receive the information, as well as the obligation of the public authorities to provide access to the information requested, that is, to publish the information even when no particular request has been made, when publication stems from their obligation prescribed by law or some other general regulation".

The right of access to information that are at the disposal of the Varaždin County Tourist Board is regulated by the Act on the Rights of Access to Information (Official Gazette, Nr. 25/13) and the Act on the Amendments to the Act on the Rights of Access to Information (Official Gazette, Nr. 85/2015).

The right of access to information and the re-use of information is exercised by submitting an application to the information officer at the Varaždin County Tourist Board:

By letter to the address:
Turistička zajednica Varaždinske županije (Varaždin County Tourist Board)
Službenik za informiranje (Information officer)
Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 12
42000 Varaždin

By E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telefax: +385 42 210 073
Phone: + 385 42 210 096


Acts and regulations
Act on the Rights of Access to Information (Official Gazette, Nr. 25/13)

Act on the Amendments to the Act on the Rights of Access to Information (Official Gazette, Nr. 85/2015).

The criteria for determining the real material costs and costs of the information delivery (Official Gazette, 12/14); the correction of the criteria (Official Gazette, Nr. 15/14)

Rules on the Official Register


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